Dental Care Tips That Will Make Your Smile Shine

tweed heads dental

Having a beautiful smile is important, but it is not always easy to keep your teeth looking their best. Fortunately, there are some simple tips you can follow which will help ensure your teeth stay strong and white while also preventing common tweed heads dental problems such as cavities.


  1. Brush your teeth regularly.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day. If possible, you should also brush after eating sugar as this can help to reduce the breakdown of tooth enamel and prevent cavities.


Brushing your teeth twice a day is the minimum recommended. But if you can brush before bedtime, that is even better. Brushing before bed will help you get into a regular routine and make it easier to remember to brush when the alarm goes off in the morning.


Brushing after eating or drinking anything sugary is important because it reduces tooth decay by protecting tooth enamel from acid attack at those vulnerable times when bacteria can flourish in your mouth.


If you miss a day of brushing, do not panic! Just start again as soon as possible with good oral hygiene habits throughout the rest of your life.


  1. Eat healthy food.

To keep your teeth strong and healthy and to reduce the risk of certain dental diseases it is important that you consume an adequate amount of calcium, vitamins A and B, and phosphorus from a balanced diet.


Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco products because they can cause dental disease by damaging gum tissue as well as hardening tooth enamel. If you already smoke or chew tobacco products try quitting for good! The sooner you quit the better for your health and for the appearance of your smile!


Visit tweed heads dental regularly for professional cleanings so we can help prevent cavities from forming in between teeth where they cannot be seen with the naked eye but still cause pain like other teeth do when they are decayed away entirely.


Use fluoridated toothpaste twice daily at home to protect against decay caused by plaque build-up on teeth surfaces due to improper brushing technique or lack thereof (I.e.., not brushing every day).


  1. Limit sweet food and drinks.

Sugary food can lead to an increase in cavities, so it is important that you minimize your intake of these types of foods. Fizzy beverages are also bad for your teeth because they contain substantial amounts of sugar.


Limit sweet food and drinks. Sugary food can lead to an increase in cavities, so it is important that you minimize your intake of these types of foods. Fizzy beverages are also bad for your teeth because they contain substantial amounts of sugar.


Use a non-alcoholic mouthwash instead of alcohol-based ones like Listerine or Scope, which can dry out the mouth and make the gums more susceptible to bleeding.


  1. Change your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

You should also change your toothbrush if the bristles start to look worn out or frayed as they may not be safely removing plaque which can cause cavities if left unattended.


Store your toothbrush upright in an open-topped container and dry it off between uses to prevent bacterial growth.


  1. Beware of mouthwash with alcohol in it.

Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can cause dry mouth which leads to an increase in bacterial growth leading to cavities so try using a non-alcoholic mouthwash instead such as those made by Colgate or Crest that do not contain this ingredient.


Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth leads to an increase in bacterial growth which leads to cavities, so try using a non-alcoholic mouthwash instead that do not contain this ingredient.